Love in the time of Coronavirus

I have been trying to write a blog entry for awhile now, but it has been really hard. These are some crazy times we live in. Not just crazy, actually. They are downright unbelievable. I sometimes do something else, watch a TV series or whatever, and get caught up in it, and then I come back to... Continue Reading →

Along the spiritual road

I've spent a few days now mulling things over, listening for guidance, and I think I have finally come to the conclusion that I am finished trying to be that square peg in a round hole. Had a little bit of contact with people who have confirmed that I am never going to fit in... Continue Reading →


November is flying by! Already the baby shower for my son and daughter-in-law is upon me, and trip number one by my daughter and her husband from Oregon! How will I ever get the house clean in time, and is it even possible to wrap this box? Then at the end of November is not... Continue Reading →

What a week!

What is needed right here is a big eyes-crossed emoticon. But I'm too tired to find one, so you will have to make it up in your head. This has been one crazy week. On the bad side, my neck/shoulder pain has continued. I finally was able to figure out that it happens whenever pressure... Continue Reading →

Notes from the wilderness

Hello world. I have left my nest of pillows and blankets on the couch and I am sitting at the kitchen table. It's kind of cold here, shivery. But it feels a little more human like. I'm getting tired of recovery from surgery. No, a lot tired of it. It's kind of depressing actually. And... Continue Reading →

Faith to do good

I had a discussion on Facebook today about the current presidential race, and one woman said Hillary was endangering our country by wanting to bring in Syrian refugees. The woman in question claims to be a Christian. This is something that I just don't understand. I remember when the Syrian crisis began, the church I... Continue Reading →

I believe in God

I believe in God. Ultimately, this belief is a choice, but I have also had too much experience of God in my life, too many synchronicities, too many times I have had answers given dramatically and at just the right time and place to be able to effectively deny it. I believe in God because... Continue Reading →

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