
November is flying by! Already the baby shower for my son and daughter-in-law is upon me, and trip number one by my daughter and her husband from Oregon! How will I ever get the house clean in time, and is it even possible to wrap this box? Then at the end of November is not... Continue Reading →

Another dead end

For months now I have been walking around, looking and acting normal. But behind that normal was a knowledge and an anticipation that I couldn't share. Some months ago a site was was discovered where it was thought Michaela might have been buried. I'm not going to go into all the details, but a few... Continue Reading →

I am thankful for Michaela

Today is Thanksgiving, Michaela, and I just want to tell you that I am so thankful for you. Before you were born, I spent five years longing for you. Sometimes I look back on those years of infertility, and it feels as though God was saying to me, "Are you sure you want to do... Continue Reading →

Beautiful Music for You

Michaela this music and slideshow were created for you by Nigel Graham, who composes music for the missing. It's really beautiful. Be sure to turn your speakers on. The music is beautiful, haunting, and full of innocence. It reminds me of you. Love you forever,

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